Terms of Use



The section of the websites under the address www.winmedica.gr that is accessible only through the use of a code after registration (the “Website”) has the sole purpose of informing health professionals (doctors, pharmacists, nursing staff) on issues related to its products WIN MEDICA SA (the “Company”) and in their therapeutic categories and contains relevant material.


Access to the Website is provided exclusively to health professionals who have received permission from the Company to access the Website through a personal special code and password (user ID and password) and is not available to third parties. Access to the Website by any third party is expressly and strictly prohibited. The Website is not addressed to patients, does not recommend or substitute medical advice and does not recommend prescribing, or prompting it and is addressed exclusively to health professionals. The posting of this material on the internet, its promotion and / or monitoring of the promotion, does not constitute medical information and should not be taken as a basis for any decision or action. The use of the information contained in the following material is at the sole discretion of the healthcare professional and is his sole responsibility. For the complete and proper information of the health professionals, they should refer to the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) approved by the competent authority and / or the Package Leaflet (FOX) which contains the indications of the medicinal product approved by the product marketing authority. The Company has made an effort to ensure that the information provided through the Website is accurate and objective. However, it is at the discretion of the health professional who uses the Website to form an opinion on the therapeutic value of the medicinal products and the Company does not bear any responsibility for the opinion formed by the user of the website or in case this information constitutes the basis for medical decision making by health scientists or third parties. The Website may contain audiovisual or other material to which third parties refer to, inter alia, the Company’s medicinal products (such as conference speakers recorded and posted on the Website) providing information that may be in addition to, or lacking in, such information. contained in the SPC and / or the FSF. The Company is not responsible for any errors and / or omissions in the references of these third parties in the respective SPC and / or in the respective FOX, contained in the Website. The Website may contain information about the properties of medicinal products not intended for promotion to third parties, non-health professionals, and information about diseases, illnesses and general health issues that may not be subject to the aforementioned restriction. The Website in any case is not intended to promote, advertise, or medically update pharmaceutical products. The material contained in the Website has been prepared and is presented in compliance with the Code of SFEE as amended and in accordance with its guidelines on websites accessible to health professionals. By using the Website, it is agreed that you will first contact us for any concerns you may have about the content, before contacting third parties.


Your status as a user of the Website is personal to you and therefore you must not share it with any other person and you must ensure, as far as you are concerned, that the Website is not accessible by any third party. In particular, if you have been given a username and password, it is agreed that you will keep them secure and confidential and you agree to (i) notify the Company as soon as you discover any unauthorized disclosure or use of your personal username and / or and (ii) you are responsible for any loss or damage resulting from such unauthorized use or disclosure. You are responsible for providing all the equipment required to access the Website and for all relevant third party charges (e.g. telephone charges and Internet Service Provider charges). You agree to use the Website only in accordance with these terms. In the event that your unauthorized use of the Website results in the loss or damage of any person who subsequently files a claim against the Company, you agree to indemnify the Company for all losses and / or damages that may arise. from such a claim. You must not maliciously use the Website by intentionally introducing viruses, malicious programs such as trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that could damage a PC. You should not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Website, the server on which the Website is located, or any server, computer, or database associated with the Website. You must not attack the Website through a denial of service attack or a distributed denial of service attack. Violation of the above term constitutes a violation of the law. We will report any violations of this kind to the competent authorities (cybercrime address) and we will work with them to reveal your identity. In case of violation, the right to use the Website will be terminated immediately. We are not responsible for any loss or damage caused by a denial of service attack, viruses or other malicious programs that may infect the user’s computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to the use of the Website or of uploading material that has been posted or linked to it. In accordance with good computer practice, it is recommended that you check the material and / or content that you have access to and / or download from the Website using commercially available, up-to-date anti-virus software.


The user expressly and unreservedly states that he has the status of a health professional and that the information he states in order to gain access is true and that he is able to make proper use of the Website, ie in accordance with the terms hereof, and that he has become aware of terms of access to the page. It is expressly agreed and agreed here that the legal basis of the present is the statement-commitment of the health professional that he is able to make use of the Website under the above stated conditions.


The industrial and copyright rights to the Website, including, without limitation, all documents, files, texts, images, graphics, components and code contained therein and in the general image of the Website, are the exclusive rights of the Company (subject to all rights) unless otherwise expressly stated. The Company authorizes you to copy and print excerpts or documents from the Website (other than those relating to third-party content designated as such) for your non-commercial use, as any copies or excerpts of such documents or of the pages acquired retains all copyright or other proprietary notices and any disclaimer contained therein. All Company logos and trademarks may not be used or reproduced without the prior written consent of the Company. Unless otherwise specified, reproduction of part or all of the contents of this Website or of the material provided in any form, including the framing, creation of any derivative work based on the Website and / or its content, its incorporation into other websites, electronic retrieval systems, is prohibited. No link to this Website may be included in any other website without the prior written approval of the Company. The content is used “as is”, without the possibility of modifications or other interventions by the user. In addition, the content may not be traded, copied, modified, reproduced, retransmitted, in whole or in part, or transmitted or distributed in any way by any user without the prior written consent of the Company. Images of persons or places or things that are part of the content of the Website are either the property of the Company or its affiliated companies or are used on the Website with the relevant permission of their beneficiaries. Any use of these images by the users of the Website outside the limits of the latter, or by anyone else authorized by the users, is prohibited, unless specifically permitted by these terms or a special license is granted elsewhere on the Website. The Company can not guarantee that you have any right to use content owned by third parties and which is available on this Website and you must obtain permission from this third party before using or downloading such content. The copyrighted content may not be changed or altered by any author notice or copyright notice that appears in this content without first obtaining the necessary consent. In the event that you submit any material to be included on the Website, you agree to grant the Company a global, continuous, non-copyrighted, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly display and translate the material. The Company reserves the right to remove or delete without notice any material submitted to be included on the Website, which the Company deems to be contrary to the goals of the Website or which violates these terms or is harmful in any other way for the interests of others. members. Except for this limited license, nothing on the Website should be construed as a guarantee of any other rights or licenses in respect of any copyright, patent or trademark of the Company or any third party.


The Website may contain links that take you to other websites, which are maintained by third parties, and which are fully responsible for the content of their websites. Third party website providers also have full (civil and criminal) responsibility for the security, legality and validity of the content of their websites and services. Therefore the Company does not bear any responsibility, such as, for example, liability for intellectual and industrial property rights or any third party rights, for the content of websites or other websites / websites that may be linked to the website. The connection of the users, through the website, with other websites or electronic / websites, is made under their responsibility and without permission from the Company and they are obliged to comply with the terms of use of these websites or electronic / websites and to address directly to their providers for anything that arises from their visit and / or use. The Company gives you the opportunity to go to this site to facilitate your navigation. The Company assumes no responsibility for the privacy policy of third party websites. Please read the privacy policy of each site you visit.


The use of the software downloaded from the Website is solely at the discretion and assessment of potential risks by the user. You need to make sure that the software you download from the Website to your personal computer is suitable for use on your computer and that it does not contain viruses.


The Company reserves the right to change or withdraw any part or all of the Website or the legal notice at any time without prior notice. If necessary, we will inform you of any changes. Any changes to this legal notice will take effect the next time the user accesses the Website. Notwithstanding the above, the Company is not obliged to keep the Website up to date. The users of this Website are not entitled to any compensation because they are unable to use the Website. We do not warrant that the functionality contained on the Website will be uninterrupted or error free, or that the Website or the server that supports the Website are free of viruses or bugs.


Pursuant to Law 2472/1997 “on the protection of the individual from the processing of personal data”, we would like to inform you that the Company, which is headquartered in Marousi, at 6-8 Agisilaou Street, will keep a file and will process your personal data that you enter with your registration application, in order to keep a file of users of the Website and to register and create your registration for this license. Recipients of your above personal data will be only the natural persons who work in our company for the execution of the aforementioned purpose. The processing of your personal data consists in the collection, recording, processing, use, and in any other operation absolutely necessary for the above purposes, carried out in writing, by telephone or by electronic means. The duration of keeping the file will be for five (5) years. We have security policies that aim to ensure the integrity and security of all our information, including personal data. We may employ third parties to perform functions on our behalf. Third parties may need to access your personal data in order to perform the functions assigned to us on our behalf, but we guarantee that they will not use your personal data for any other purpose. We may transfer your personal data to countries or jurisdictions that do not provide the same level of legal protection of personal data as the country in which you reside, to which transfer you consent. In the event of such a transfer, we will ensure that your information is adequately protected during the transfer and during your stay in the country of destination. We would like to inform you about the rights of each subject whose data is processed. According to article 12 of Law 2472/1997, the data subject has the right to request and receive from the controller (the Company) – without delay and in a comprehensible and clear way – information concerning the type of data entered under processing, their origin, processing purposes, recipients, processing progress, correction / deletion / freezing of data the processing of which is not in accordance with the provisions of the above law, as well as their disclosure to third parties to whom the data have been announced, any correction, deletion or commitment. Also, according to article 13 of the above law, the data subject has the right to object at any time to the processing of his personal data. In particular, he is entitled to request the correction, temporary non-use, freezing, non-transmission, or deletion of his data. The competent executive of the company to which you can turn in order to exercise the right of information, access and objection to the processing of your personal data based on articles 11–13 of Law 2472/1997 is Mr. Christodoulou George (by post to the address Agisilaou 6-8, PC 15123 Marousi, or by e-mail to the email address webadmin@winmedica.gr). With your application for permission to enter the Website, following your above information, you expressly state that: “I consent to the keeping in a file and processing of my personal data by the Company exclusively and only within the aforementioned purpose. I have been informed and I expressly and unreservedly declare that I consent and consent to all the above “.


We monitor the use of the Website by gathering information together with many commercial organizations. NO personal data is collected in this process. As a rule, we collect information about the number of our visitors to the Website and the domain name of the Internet service provider. This information is used to understand the use made by the Website visitor and may be shared with other companies within Win Medica and with other third parties. We intend to continue to improve the content and functionality of the Website. Therefore, we may collect information about how you use it, through cookies and other similar technologies (see below). We may also monitor user traffic and usage patterns of the Website to assist and improve the design and layout of our Website, personalize your experience by adapting the content you see and, consequently, optimizing your user experience. We can also perform statistical analysis on user accounts to determine, among other things, the number of active users, their frequency of use, and the number of web pages that a user has registered anonymously. We may occasionally receive information about you from other sources (such as other Group companies or third parties), which we will add to the information we already have about you to help us improve and personalize our service to you. based on anonymous user data. We may also receive information about your opinion if, for example, you send us feedback or ask us your questions.


Cookies are small files that are sent to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Sometimes they are created and transferred to your hard drive upon your first registration on a website. They are then used to identify your computer and allow you to access the webpage repeatedly without having to log in each time. The cookie is used exclusively to speed up your access to the website and the information you wish to see. Most web browsers accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser settings to avoid transfer. However, it should be noted that if you do this, some of the functionality may be lost.


If you become aware that you have breached any of the above terms of use contained in this text, we will take immediate corrective action, including a ban on the use of the information posted on the Company by the Website, the removal of any information, data and content has been posted on the Website by the user (where permitted), at any time and without notice. In the event that the Company suffers any damage due to this reason, the Company reserves all legal rights and claims for compensation by the user of the said damage.


The Website and its content are governed by Greek law. Any legal remedy regarding the Website or its content falls within the jurisdiction of the Greek Courts.