

Donation of masks to the SY.DA.P.T.T.T.

Win Medica, responding to the request of SY.D.A.P.T.T. (Association of Borrowed Personnel of the Banking Sector), donated 250 cloth masks, which will be distributed to employees by the Board of the association. At Win Medica, we want to be a supporter of any action that can make a positive contribution to society, especially in the difficult period we are going through small or large acts of solidarity.

Launch in Greece of the first long-acting biosimilar Filgrastim

Win Medica is pleased to announce the launch of the first long-acting Bio-Similar Filgrastim in Greece. The drug is indicated for the reduction of...

Donation of masks to the SY.DA.P.T.T.T.

Win Medica, responding to the request of SY.D.A.P.T.T. (Association of Borrowed Personnel of the Banking Sector), donated 250 cloth masks, which will be distributed...

Generic Medicines & COVID-19

Pharmaceutical industries that produce generic medicines are key partners in the fight against COVID-19 where partnerships and collaborations between industries are creating a...

Extended-release flecainide has a beneficial effect on the quality of life of patients with atrial fibrillation

Results of the REFLEC-CR study Administration of extended-release flecainide to patients with paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation significantly improves their quality of life and...

NHS and Hellenic Pharmaceutical Industry highlighted their importance in the worst health crisis the country has ever known

The coronavirus crisis has highlighted two critical pillars for public health: The National Health System and the Greek pharmaceutical industry. Those who had in...

Accord donates two million tablets of hydroxychloroquine to largest COVID-19 trial in the world involving 40,000 frontline healthcare workers

Win Medica SA is pleased to announce the following donation from our strategic Partner Accord Healthcare. Accord Healthcare Ltd, the principal European subsidiary of...

Zacharias Daniilakis: “I run for me, for the euphoria it gives me and for my health”

"In running I found my way out, it comes as a medicine, as a redemption, as an escape from the daily routine of...

SiderAL Drops

SiderAL Drops, like all formulations in the SiderAL family, uses sucrosomal technology to transport and deliver iron to the body.

World Sleep Day 2019

Valetonina celebrates World Sleep Day and reminds us that "good sleep" plays an important role in our physical and mental health, whatever our age.

Win Medica – Greece Race for the Cure 07/10/18

Win Medica participated in the Greece Race for the Cure, the race that is being held for the 10th consecutive year by the Panhellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer "Alma Zois".

Sofargen, now also in gel

Win Medica is pleased to announce the launch of Sofargen Gel, a new medical device that, together with Sofargen Spray, offers a complete solution for the management of any wound.

UltraMag Oro, High-speed Magnesium

Win Medica is pleased to announce the launch of UltraMag ORO, the new and unique magnesium sucrosomal supplement.

World Sleep Day 2018

PRESS RELEASE World Sleep Day has been established by the World Sleep Association to raise awareness and inform the public. Sleep is essential for...

Win Medica supported the Aegean Team’s Winter Mission

PRESS RELEASE Win Medica supported the Winter Mission of the Aegean Team Monday October 23rd, 2017 Win Medica, the fast-growing Greek pharmaceutical company, once again stood by Team...

Silver Award for Win Medica at the Healthcare Business Awards 2017

Athens, 14 September 2017 The pharmaceutical company Win Medica won the Silver Award in the Pharmaceutical Business/Communications category at the Healthcare Business Awards 2017, organised...

Win Medica supported the Shinkyokushinkai Karate Academy

PRESS RELEASE Tuesday June 27th, 2017 20th Greek Shinkyokushinkai Summer Camp 2017 Win Medica, the fast-growing Greek pharmaceutical company, supported the Shinkyokushinkai Karate Academy and specifically the...

Win Medica strengthens its product portfolio

Win Medica launched a major collaboration with ACCORD Healthcare UK in May 2017. As part of this, it is strengthening its product portfolio by...

Interview with the Managing Director M. Kosmidis on the Multilateral Bill passed in the Parliament and the developments in the field of Health

After a long period of negotiations and an arduous effort by the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers to come to an agreement with the government, key...

Pharmaceutical Company Win Medica in collaboration with the National Olympic Academy of Greece close to the children of Children’s Oncology Unit ‘Marianna V. Vardinogiannis-ELPIDA”

On Tuesday, July 26, 2016 visited the Pediatric Oncology Unit 'Marianna B. Vardinogiannis-ELPIDAE by the Pharmaceutical Society Win Medica, which sponsored the purchase of...

Win Medica participates in the 4th conference “Pharmacy in Health and Beauty, Present and Future”

Win Medica participates in 4th colloquium "The pharmacy in the Health and Beauty, Present and Future" held in Heraklion, Crete, 10-11/9/2016.

Win Medica collaboration with the research program UKMED

Win Medica collaboration with the research program UKMED On April 16 starts cooperation development research projects with the University Hospital of Cambridge, for Peripheral Arterial...

The SiderAL January in Big Fish

Unexplained fatigue, poor concentration, decreased memory capacity. Did you lack iron ?

Exclusive distribution and promotion of products Otocort, Otilax & Interbion

Win Medica is pleased to announce that it is the marketing authorization holder has the exclusive distribution and promotion of products Otocort, Otilax & Interbion

Participation of Win Medica the 11th meeting of the Greek Educational Foundation Gastroenterology and Nutrition

Participation of ‪#‎Win Medica‬ 11th meeting of the Educational ‪#‎ΕΛΙΓΑΣΤ‬ Greek Foundation ‪#‎Gastroenterology ‬ and ‪#‎Diet by subject "Developments in ‪#‎Gastroenterology  and ‪#‎Hepatology " who became...

The siderAL in October Big Fish

  «Innovation in the treatment of iron deficiency,» Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder and the most common cause of anemia. Download the file  

18 National Congress of Perinatal Medicine

The Winmedica presents New Data on Anaemia in Pregnancy at 18 National Congress of Perinatal Medicine. As part of the 18th Panhellenic Congress of...

New medical device from Win Medica

The Sofargen Spray is a special, modern medical product in powder form to treat minor wounds, especially scratches, abrasions, cuts, superficial wounds and general solutions of skin continuity.

The Win Medica participates in the 6th conference and exhibition “Entrepreneurship & Communication Health”

The Win Medica participates in the 6th symposium and exhibition «ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND COMMUNICATION OF HEALTH". Get the new data to the...

Win Medica in the Fortune list of 20 emerging Greek companies

Win Medica included in this year's list of 20 fastest rising Greek enterprises, as published in Fortune magazine. «… Some of them were founded in...

November 14 – World Diabetes Day

On November 12, Wednesday, at 11:00 to 14:00, with the support of the company Win Medica There will be an event /...

1st voluntary blood donation for the formation of a blood bank Win Medica

The Win Medica in the context of CSR, organized the first voluntary donation of Friday 1/17/14. In the offices of the company specialized...

Balance Win Medica Ltd 2012

The balance sheet of our company for the financial year 2012. Download the file.

Balance Win Medica Ltd 2013

The balance sheet of our company for the financial year 2013. Download the file.

Balance Win Medica SA 2014

The balance sheet of our company for the financial year 2014. Download the file.

G.M. Call Win Medica SA 30 – 6 2015

Invitation to the Shareholders of the Societe Anonyme under the name WINMEDICA PHARMACEUTICALS SA a regular general meeting. Download the file.

Win Medica sponsor of AO Pagrati

Win Medica sponsor of AO Pagrati Win Medica on a difficult financial period shows the trust to AO Pagrati, by supporting the club from now on.

Win Medica Certification with ISO 9001:2008

Win Medica Certification  with ISO 9001:2008 Win Medica certified for the introduction of quality management, marketing and distribution of medicines.